Sunday, September 26, 2021

We Are Finally Home!!!

Life has been such a whirlwind since my last post. I flew home Saturday, September 4th and Spencer flew in to spend the last few days at Hope4Cancer with Larry. Spencer and Larry arrived home on Friday, September 10th. We didn't plan it this way, but Spencer and I just happened to be landing and leaving at the same terminal and we were able to stop for a quick hug and picture. So grateful for God's tender mercies.

Leaving Hope4Cancer was bitter/sweet. Not only did we form some incredible friendships while there, but it was really hard to leave the structure of the center. I came home early to replicate the structure at home the best that I could and I am still working to get things organized and put away. Since Larry has been home we have continued doing the sono machine, red light therapy, the sauna dome (aka pizza oven), enemas, immune boosting and mistletoe shots, daily juicing, a variety of supplements, a specialty diet, and we are doing vitamin c therapy and hyperbaric one time a week in Pocatello. The lifestyle changes have not been easy, but they are making a difference in regards to killing the cancer. Before we left Hope4Cancer the ultrasound showed that the cancer had not shrunk at all, but it was still contained in the pancreas and the few spots on the liver. We were told that we would see the cancer shrinkage at our three month check-up. Larry's blood work at the West Clinic in Pocatello also showed that the cancerous cells that were circulating in his bloodstream prior to the treatments at Hope4Cancer had returned to normal. When we got to Hope4Cancer Larry was too weak to carry our suitcases into the clinic. Larry had a goal to gain his strength back while at Hope4Cancer and take a run down the beach before he left. Through hard work and dedication he was able to accomplish this goal!

Last Sunday evening we were finally able to visit with a lady by the name of Rivi who had been diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer seven years ago, had went to Hope4Cancer, is cancer free, and doing great. Her story was party of what inspired us to go to Hope4Cancer. Her big advice to us was to remain vigilant in doing our treatments from the center. Larry has been very diligent in following his plan. She also highly suggested that we eliminate all of the chemical products in our home, including cleaning supplies and products for the body, to get EMF protection, eat only fish from the Atlantic, not from the Pacific, get infusions of 150,000 mg a week of vitamin C, and she reminded us to daily practice emotional therapy by forgiving others and looking at yourself in the mirror everyday and telling yourself that you forgive and love yourself. Talking to Rivi on the phone was very motivating to both Larry & I and gave us hope that we were on the right track to obtain the healing that we both desire.

We were headed in such a promising direction up until last weekend when Larry started having additional health problems, that we have since learned were blood sugar issues. He is now taking insulin with every meal to try and keep himself regulated. I am so grateful that our Type 1 diabetic son, Spencer, is so knowledgeable about regulating blood sugars. His past eight years of experience with it has been an invaluable blessing to Larry at this time. Through much hard work, study, and experimenting Spencer has learned to keep his blood sugars very tightly controlled and he is able to give us expert advice in helping to keep Larry's blood sugars controlled. Despite this incredible setback, I am so amazed at Larry's continual optimism and determination. 

Larry gained two pounds while at Hope4Cancer, but since he has been home, he has started to lose weight.😭This is in part because it has been a challenge for me to learn all new ways of shopping for and preparing foods and partly because his pancreas is very angry and keeps giving him trouble with blood sugar regulation, enzyme production, and pancreatitis. In so many ways I feel like we are back to square one and this has been a very hard blow to both of us emotionally. Tomorrow Larry is scheduled to have an NJ tube (the tube that is placed through your nose and into your small intestine) placed at Logan Regional. After having his last one placed he swore that he would never have one placed again because it is so incredibly uncomfortable, but here we are. God sure knows how to keep a man humble.

Our Bishop gave Larry a Priesthood blessing tonight in preparation for the placement tomorrow. If Larry responds well to the tube then he will have a gastrostomy (surgery to install the feeding tube in his stomach) probably in about a week. I have been extremely emotional through this process as it has been so heartbreaking to watch Larry go from a stocky, muscular man to just a skeleton of what he once was in just a short amount of time. He has lost over 50 pounds in the past year and is now at about 120 pounds. I recognize that this tube placement tomorrow may be the last shot he has at being able to put some weight back on and start building his health back. I pray several times a day that we will continue to see miracles and that Larry's body may continue to heal and have the opportunity to finish raising his children. I know that ultimately that God is in charge and I find peace in knowing that we have done all that we can do.

Spencer & I at the airport

Larry in his bed at the treatment center. Some of the Primary kids from our ward made these hearts for him before we left and they made great decorations for our room!

Some of the incredible staff at Hope4Cancer

Our last walk on the beach together before I left for home

Larry with our good friend, Andy, from Texas

We were able to contact the missionaries while we were there and they came over and gave Larry & I blessings. Two other couples at the center also received priesthood blessings from the missionaries and we had a short lesson on prayer. As we were packing and getting ready to leave for our trip Larry ask me if had any Book of Mormon's that we could give away. I was so hyperfocused on packing for the trip and getting Larry to get to the center for his treatments that this was the furthest thought from my mind. One of our favorite things about Hope4Cancer was the good spirit that was there and the daily discussions that we would have about God and religion. We ended up giving out ten Book of Mormon's while we were there.

More of the yummy food at Hope4Cancer

Our good friends Richard & Debbie from San Diego and Tina & Tom from Wisconsin

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