Saturday, October 2, 2021

Walk On Faith


The other night on our way to the high school football game this song came on the radio. I felt like it perfectly summarized the current chapter of our lives. Every day we walk on faith, trust in love, and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

According to all of the imaging and tests that Larry has had done, we really feel like we have a good handle on the cancer. The results show that the cancer has stayed contained in his liver and pancreas and we have hope that as we continue to move forward with the cancer treatments that we will start to see the cancer that is there start to and eventually disappear. Our biggest current battle is receiving adequate nutrition and keeping Larry's blood sugars stable due to the damage that has been done to his pancreas. In order to get proper nutrition and start putting weight on, Larry has once again had an NJ tube placed (yes, the yucky one the goes through his nose and down his throat). If all goes well with it in the next week or two, he will have surgery to have a more permanent tube placed through his abdomen. Where we have changed his diet to all organic whole foods, that he has responded very well to, we were blessed to find a company called "Kate Farms" that makes organic whole food feeding formula.

After Larry had the NJ tube reinserted we were laying in bed having one of our "pillow talk" discussions and Larry commented that he was started to feel like Job. He has suffered eight years from the debilitating disease of pancreatitis, has been diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer, has recently become an insulin dependent diabetic, and has just had an NJ tube placed once again (something he swore he would never do again after his last experience with one earlier this year). I turned to him and said that I had never wanted to be a nurse either. Just the thought of needles, blood, and body fluids has always made my stomach turn. Nursing was not something I would ever have considered going into, but here we both are facing some of our biggest fears and learning and growing in ways that we never thought possible.

Despite all of the trials we are going through we testify that God is good and we know that he has always been there for us. We have been richly blessed with so much through these experiences and pray that we may continue to walk in faith, trust in love, and keep putting one foot in front of the other!

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