Nutrition /Supplements

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints we have a health code that we live by. This health code was revealed to our Prophet, Joseph Smith, in 1833 and is called the "Word of Wisdom". By following the "Word of Wisdom" we are promised many things including "wisdom and great treasures of knowledge". We are also promised that we shall "run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint".

In the "Word of Wisdom" we are told to stay away from alcoholic drinks, tobacco, and tea and coffee. The Lord revealed to us that foods that are good for us to eat are vegetables and fruits, the beasts and fowls of the air are to be used sparingly, and grains are to be the staff of life.

My nutritional and supplemental philosophies can be summed up into four key areas:
  1. Clean foods. Hippocrates said, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food". In addition to the "Word of Wisdom" we have always been encouraged to grow our own gardens and produce our own food as much as possible. I used to believe that this was more for economic reasons, but the older I get and the more I study, I am starting to see the Lord's wisdom in this counsel as a huge key to keeping our bodies healthy. With my A-T children's condition, it can be very hard for them to swallow. A couple of years ago we invested in a Vita-Mix ( It has been well worth our money as we have been able to get nutritious foods down our children that they normally would not or could not eat very easily. A Vita-Mix costs around $500, but you can get a discount if you are buying one for a medical condition. This has been a great way to add lots of greens to everyone's diet without anyone ever knowing. Recently I came across a you tube post by Dr. Tery Wahls, who cured herself of MS by using foods. When she was first diagnosed with MS she sought after the best medical treatment and she kept getting worse. Since MS is a "brain shrinking disease", she started to study the foods that would feed her brain and she was able to cure herself in just 9 short months. Her miraculous story can be viewed by watching her video HERE. Dr. Wahls has coined this diet the "Hunter Gatherer Diet". We are slowly converting over to this way of eating since A-T is also a brain shrinking disease. 
  2. Good Vitamin & Mineral Supplementation. We own the local feed store, so I sometimes have the opportunity to attend vitamin and mineral supplementation classes for animals. I am always so impressed and interested in all of the studies and information that is out there about our animals. We usually learn a lot about prevention and the necessity of proper vitamins and minerals to keep our animals healthy. I can't help but question why we are not studying and implementing these same prevention methods into human life. If soil is deficient in vitamins and minerals for our cattle, doesn't the same principle apply for humans?
  3. Herbs. As part of the "Word of Wisdom" the Lord also tells us that..."...all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man".  My mother was a big advocate for herbs and alternative medicine. In my younger years I thought she was kind of "quacky" for her beliefs and practices, but as I have gotten older and had my own experiences, I am so grateful for the legacy she has left me. When she died, one of the remaining possessions she had were several folders full of herbal information. I am now building on the foundation that she started and have started getting my feet wet in the "world of herbs". There is so much to learn and it is such a fascinating subject to learn about and practice. My favorite supplement is an herb called protandim. This supplement has brought a lot of healing to our family and other people that I know. A great website to check out and learn more about herbs is
  4. Essential Oils. I attended my first essential oils class almost five years ago. I have used these products ever since and I would not want to be without them. They are great for prevention, treatments, and just good old relaxation.

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