Friday, December 3, 2021

Larry's Chemo Plan

After Larry had his port placed yesterday we met with the oncologist, Dr. Anderson. Larry's chemo will start on Tuesday. He will get 2 chemo drugs (carboplatin and etoposide) on Tuesday and it will take a couple of hours. Wednesday and Thursday he will only be given 1 drug (etoposide) and it will only take an hour. He then will have a break for 3-4 weeks (3 if his blood levels are back to normal). We will repeat this cycle for a total of 3 times. It is predicted that this will kill all of the cancer or significantly reduce it, but this type of cancer has an extremely high rate of coming back.😓He will also have an MRI of the brain done on Wednesday because this type of cancer goes into the brain very easily. In addition to praying for a clear MRI scan, we are hoping and praying that Larry's frequent abdominal pain will significantly lesson (or disappear would be fine with both of us), his ability to digest food will increase, and his diabetes will improve through these treatments.

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