Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Early yesterday morning, after saying goodbye to Larry's Uncle Gerald and Aunt Clarice (who graciously drove us at 4:30 a.m. to the pickup spot in San Diego), we arrived at Hope4Cancer in Tjiana, MX, 28 days after Larry was diagnosed with Stage IV pancreatic cancer that had matastasized to his liver and he was given three months to live. We chose to come in first thing in the morning because Larry was anxious to get started on this fight against cancer!

We were greeted by the kindest driver at the border station named Felipe and we arrived at the treatment center at about 7:00 a.m. Getting into Mexico was easy. From what we were told they occasionally stop people at the border, but we got lucky and were able to just drive right in. Driving in we got a good look at the wall that was built during the trump administration that extends all the way to TX. Felipe told us that the wall hasn't stopped the people who want to get to the U.S. because they just climb it. We also learned that there are several people that live in Tijuana, but drive to San Diego every day.

We are living in the treatment center/hospital where Larry is receiving treatment. We are so grateful that we have chosen this option. It makes it so much easier to have access to all of the doctors and nurses night and day and learn all of the protocols for his treatment plan. The people here are all so nice and the food is delicious! We may even sharpen our Spanish skills while we are here as most of the people here are bilingual and speak Spanish often. We have also met some other incredible fellow cancer patients and have been very encouraged by their experiences and results. 

Therapies here go from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday - Sunday. Once we get into a better routine, and Larry has some energy, we are hoping to break away and go see some of the sites and make it down to the ocean that is just across the street from the treatment center. Our oldest son, Dallin, served an LDS mission in Mexico (Chihuahua) and we have always wanted to experience the Mexican culture. We are certainly getting a taste of it from being immersed in the Spanish language to all of the bands that we have heard playing outside our window (can hardly wait for the weekend😏). I do love how happy and lively the culture is, just not when I am trying to sleep (lol).

Being here at Hope4Cancer has been an incredible experience so far and we are so excited to see the progress that we can make with the therapies that we are involved in. We did learn today that the tumor in Larry's pancreas is about the size of his pancreas so we have some work ahead of us. The good news is that despite all of the health challenges he has had over the past eight years, his immune system is still fighting strong and we are just going to give it some help! Unfortunately, I am not able to post pictures of everything that I would like to because they have ask us not to, but if you have any questions please reach out to me. I have truly been pleasantly surprised thus far. Following is the link to go to if you are interested in learning more about the treatment center and viewing pictures:

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