Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Cancer Boot Camp 101

So what do we do all day at the Hope4Cancer Treatment Center and how are these treatments helping to restore Larry's health?

A Sample of Our Basic Daily Schedule

 6:30 AM  Get Read for the day

 7:00 AM  Prayers & Scriptures

 7:15 AM  Walk along the beach as Larry is able to (we have done this about half the time)

 7:30 AM  Vitals; Wheatgrass, Lemon water, & Golden milk

 7:45 AM  Coffee Enema followed by Ozone

 8:00 AM  Breakfast (1 hour; Tuesdays there is a lecture presented by the dietician)

 9:00 AM  Indiba

 9:30 AM  Near Infrared Heat Lamp

10:00AM  Green Juice (spinach, romaine, celery, cucumber, green apple)

                  PEMF (Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy)

11:00 AM  Hyperbaric Chamber


  1:00 PM   Lunch (1 hour)

  2:00 PM   Red bed (Photo Dynamic Therapy)

  3:00 PM   Red Juice (beets, carrots, green apple, lemon, ginger)

  4:00 PM   Smoothie

                    Light Pads/Lumen (Photo Dynamic Therapy)

  5:30 PM  Dinner (1 hour)

  6:30 PM   Sono Therapy

  7:00 PM   Hyperthermia (aka "Pizza Oven") or Near Infared Sauna

  8:00 PM   Shower

  8:30 PM   Pain Pill & Sleep Medicine (About five night's ago, Larry started having a lot of pain where his tumors are. This pain is largely in the evenings. This is a good sign because it means that his immune system is waking up and going to war against his tumor which in turn causes inflammation and ultimately pain. Luckily, we have found a good combination of medicine to get him through this time.

  9:00 PM   Prayers & Bed 

In this rigorous schedule Larry also has at least a weekly B.E.S.T. (behavioral, emotional, spiritual, therapy) appointment, has met individually with the nutritionist, is scheduled to meet with the local holistic dentist, is scheduled for an acupuncture appointment, and a lymphatic massage. Sometimes he will get up early to do some of his light therapy treatments so that we can venture out to the souvenir shop, the ocean, and today we are excited to be taking a trip to visit the LDS temple that is in Tijuana (about 40 minutes away)!

Larry also has several IV treatments that they have been giving him through this whole process. The iv's that have been prescribed to him personally include Vitamin C, B17, Helixor, Boswellia, Poly MVA, and DMSO. Larry also does Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation on a consistent basis as part of his treatment plan.

Larry does two shots--Sunevara (5 days a week) which wakes up the immune system and Helixor (mistletoe therapy), both of which we will continue at home. 

Yesterday when we met with his functional doctor, he added on eleven more supplements to his plan to assist with Larry's fatigue, adrenals, digestion/malabsorption, and liver support. These supplements were recommended as a result of his thermography results. I am so grateful that the team of nurses here are so organized so that they can help us manage all of this and will set up a good structure for us to take home with us.

Larry has worked so hard at completing his treatments everyday, even when he is not feeling well. With the exception of only a couple of things, he has completed everything, everyday. It has helped so much to have assistance with his diet and having those meals prepared for us on a consistent basis. With the exception of a few dinners, and some of the in between meal drinks, he has eaten the majority of the food he has been served. As nutrition has been such a battle for him for almost a year😓, this has been such a tremendous blessing to his overall health. For Larry to be able to eat like this fairly consistently has been a miracle in and of itself, but having an expert dietician design his meals for him, coupled with the treatments he is doing has made all of the difference and we are so incredibly grateful.

All of the treatments at Hope4Cancer support the following 7 principles:

1. Non-Toxic Cancer Therapies

2. Immunomodulation

3. Full Spectrum Nutrition

4. Detoxification

5. Oxygenation

6. Restore the Microbiome

7. Spiritual and Emotional Healing

How These Treatment Are Helping

  • Ozone--oxygenates the body while also killing microbes and cancer cells via its oxidative properties.
  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber--oxygen supports the body's healing process, yet it is toxic to cancer cells.
  • Coffee Enemas--stimulate the liver and gallbladder to release stored toxins and wastes; this enhances liver function.
  • Juicing--excellent way to detoxify your body and infuse your cells with a multitude of nutrients. Best way to cleanse your blood, lymphatic system, kidneys, liver, and gallbladder! Use all kinds of fruits and vegetables. It is recommended that the juice be made out of 80% vegetables and 20% fruits and drink 2-3 eight-ounce glasses daily. For optimal detoxification, it is recommended to dedicate one day per week to drinking only juices.
  • Sono-Photo Dynamic Therapy (SPDT)--this type of therapy uses sound (sono) and light (photo), in combination with a sensitizing substance called SP-Activate (non toxic substance that is a derivative of chlorophyll), to target cancer cells. This activate is absorbed mostly by cancer cells in a ration of 70:1. SP-Activate stays inactive until it is awakened by sound and/or light and it produces reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS are free radicals, or negatively charged oxygen molecules, that kill cancer cells upon contact. SPDT also decreases angiogenesis, the process by which new blood vessels form in and around tumors. SPDT also activates the immune system and recruits immune cells to migrate to the tumor site. SPDT does not have the side effects of conventional approaches and it is good for all types of cancer except brain tumors because it doesn't penetrate through bones, such as the skull.
  • Near Infrared Light Therapy-- reduces pain, inflammation, and also helps to destabilize cancer cells.
  • Intravenous Vitamin C (one of God's most powerful natural cancer-fighting substances). At lower levels it supports the immune system. When used in high amounts, it eliminates cancer cells by creating hydrogen peroxide within tumors, which destroys them.
  • Intravenous Vitamin B-17 (aka laetrile or amygdalin)--this substance can be found in bitter almonds, apricot, peach, and plum seeds, and a handful of fruits. Vitamin B-17 contains cyanide that is only released inside the cancer cells, not the normal, healthy ones! Dr. Tony say's that for cancer prevention purposes you would have to take 20-40 apricot kernels per day. If you have a stage III or IV cancer he recommends taking it intravenously, but if you have a stage I or II cancer, oral supplements may be adequate.
  • Intravenous Helixor (Mistletoe)--mostly found on the apple, fir, and pine trees. Mistletoe is a remedy that treats cancer and is used at many integrative cancer clinics, especially in Europe. There are 7,000 scientific publications that confirm the benefits of mistletoe. Mistletoe plant eliminates cancer throughout the body through a variety of mechanisms. It also enhances immune function and helps reduce fatigue.
  •  Poly-MVA--supplement that supports energy production, DNA repair and normalization of metabolic processes.
  • Hyperthermia-- disables cancer cells through a variety of mechanisms. Whole body hyperthermia induces a fever (101-104) which stimulates the immune system. It also heats up the tumors and destroys the vasculor and cellular components of cancer cells.
  • Near Infrared Sauna--valuable way to cleanse the body of many toxins, increase circulation, oxygenate the tissues, stimulate the immune system, reduce systemic pain and inflammation, helps remove plaque from the arterial walls, and it is relaxing!

In order to restore and maintain Larry's and all of our families health, these key principles will be a way of life for our family going forward. We have learned so much and are so excited to see how, not only Larry, but our whole family will benefit from practicing the 7 key principles, taught by Dr. Tony, on a consistent basis.

Having this incredible opportunity to spend this time at the Hope4Cancer treatment center has been such a blessing to our family and we can't even put into words the gratitude we feel for those who have helped us get here to have this opportunity.

We will be leaving here better people--physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually and we will forever treasure the incredible friendships we have made with like minded people who are on the same healing journey. As our friend Howard taught us, "Upward and Onward" and as we like to say, "Everyday In Every way We Get a Little Better!"

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