Tuesday, August 24, 2021

1st Day of School & The Power of Prayer

The last couple of days have been very emotional. Yesterday was my kids first day back to school and I was not there. That is the first time that I have not been there, ever. It was hard. It made it extra hard when I talked to them on the phone and they said, "Mom, I wish you were here." My first thought was to catch a flight out asap and go home, but I know that I am needed here also. I feel very torn, but I know that this is where I need to be right now and I am learning so many things that will be a blessing to not only Larry, but our whole family and I know that he needs my support right now. I just have to pray that God will comfort them and watch over them and I am so grateful for all of the people that are watching over them so that I can be here.

Larry and I have also been somewhat at odds with each other also the last couple of days. I'm sure all of the stress that we are under is finally catching up to us and we are not used to be around each other so much (retirement prep 101😉). Larry's health is still very fragile and it makes it extra hard when there are things I want to talk about or real life situations that need to be taken care of. We have since had some good talks and have learned a thing or two from these experiences. It also makes it hard when Larry's health and energy levels are constantly up and down, which is very common for everyone here battling cancer.

I walked across the street last night and walked down to the beach by myself. It was beautiful and I enjoyed watching the beautiful sunset (so sad that I forgot to take my phone to snap a picture). I also enjoyed watching the children play in the water, a few people trying to catch waves, and over coarse listening to the various bands that were there playing. I took a notebook and pen and just wrote out all of the anger and frustration that I feel for a good hour. I tore it up and put it in the garbage on my way back to the clinic. It felt so good, but I still had a hard time sleeping.

Because I didn't want to disturb Larry, I went down to the lounge to read for several hours. I got through the first couple of sections of the "Hope for Cancer" book which was so inspiring to me. After Dr. Tony had graduated from medical school, his father called him and told him that he had prostate cancer and ask him if he could help him because he didn't want to go through the "traditional" way of treating cancer. His Father became his first cancer patient.

He was able to help him fully recover by taking a holistic approach to healing the root causes of cancer, which included an individualized nutritional and immune enhancing plan. His Dad went on to live for several more years and died at 82 years old from heart disease, not cancer.

I was so inspired by his chapter on Healing the Whole Person: Spirit, Soul, and Body. In ancient Greek and Egyptian civilizations, whenever somebody would get sick, the first person in the community they would call would be a spiritual leader, followed by the equivalent of a psychological counselor, and lastly a medical doctor. Sadly, in Western society we have reversed this order. Our relationship with God should be the foundation of our recovery. With that foundation several tools can be used to heal the soul and the body. Those who look to Him for help can expect better outcomes.

He shares a famous study that was conducted about prayer by cardiologist Randolph Byrd and published in 1988. For this study, 393 coronary care patients were either admitted to a prayer group (192 patients) or a control group (201 patients). Christians outside of the hospital prayed for the prayer group and over time those patients who received prayer as part of their recovery showed much better recovery rates than those in the control group. The ones being prayed for were five times less likely than the control group to require antibiotic and three times less likely to develop pulmonary edema. Twelve of the control group patients also needed intubation for breathing support, whereas, none of the prayed for patients did. 

I have been a witness to these type of miracles several times in my own life and I know that we are being watched over by God with our current situation. Through all of Larry's health problems we have felt the power of prayer in our lives and continue to feel so now. I believe wholeheartedly, that despite all the odds we have been given, that if it is God's will Larry will be completely healed from the cancer that is trying to overtake his body. I also know that through the power of prayer and inspiration that we have been led to this incredible treatment center to help aide in the healing process.

In Dr. Tony's words:  "At our treatment centers, we've seen many healing miracles in people who have survived and recovered from cancer, despite tremendous odds. There are people who have been transformed and/or healed, either through a miracle of God or with medicine. Yet when we have faith in God, He makes even medicine miraculous!" 


"Nate the Great" 3rd grade, Rachel 6th grade (1st year of middle school), Ben & Bekah (Seniors!)❤