Saturday, March 13, 2021

Update on Larry


  • Yesterday and today were very draining days physically and emotionally. Yesterday we saw the GI in Logan and today we saw the infectious disease doctor up in SLC. What we have learned is that:

    1. The inflammation in the pancreas has gone down
    2. The cysts in his body have shrunk or dissolved, so we are making progress, but he is going to have his pic line in with 24/7 antibiotics for two more weeks and then go to an oral antibiotic.
    3. He still has blood clots so he will remain on the blood thinners for now
    4. Thanks to NJ tube he has put 10 lbs back on! He will have the tube for atleast three more weeks.
    5. The stent that was placed in his pancreas is still in place and will likely stay there for at least another month. The GI doctor said to us a couple of times that it was.a miracle.that Dr. Sandhu was.even able to get it in place and it likely saved Larry's life and for that we are grateful.

    He is still only able to orally eat jellos, pudding, applesauce, soups, and light crackers. He tried to eat a protein bar last Sunday and it did not end so well.

    Even though we do not know how all of this will end, we know that we have been blessed and watched over in so many ways and for that we are so incredibly grateful. We know that God is watching over us and all of our prayers are being heard and answered, maybe not always in the way or speed that we would like, but they are being heard.

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