Sunday, June 19, 2022

Happy Father's Day!!!

Happy Father's Day Larry Ward! From the time Larry was young being a good father was always something that was very important to him. He worked very hard to learn skills that would help him be the best Dad he could be and he made many changes in his life specifically so that he would give his kids a good life and be a good example to them. He has always been such a kind and loving Father to our children and has worked so hard to provide for their needs and their wants. He is a wealth of knowledge and is our go to for all things mechanical. As we have endured the last year of Stage IV pancreatic cancer I have sometimes questioned whether it has been worth it. As I pulled up these pictures of Larry since his diagnosis last July, I realize that YES it has all been worth it! We have learned so much and been able to make so many more memories. When Larry was first diagnosed Larry begged God to give him another ten years as he wants to be here to be with Nate as he grows up. As of late, Larry has really been struggling but he is still determined as ever and God willing he will accomplish that goal! It is pretty amazing what you can accomplish with God on your side, love, lots of determination, and lots of healing modalities and options.

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