Sunday, September 19, 2021

Island Park/Yellowstone

We have some good friends in our area who run Eagle Ridge Ranch in Island Park and do guided horseback riding. They invited us to the ranch for our family to go horseback riding and get some pictures. Through a series of miracles we were also able to obtain a very nice cabin in the area for no charge and we had a very comfortable place to stay for three nights. Unfortunately, their last ride of the season was the weekend of homecoming for our Seniors and the week after we got back from Mexico, but we knew this trip was now or maybe never so we made the sacrifices and made it happen.

Sadly, Larry did not have all of the energy to participate in all of the activities that we did, but we were just grateful to have him there with us. We didn't know it at the time, but he was experiencing problems with his blood sugars that were causing him to not feel well and be more tired than usual.

On Saturday, the day of the horse ride, Larry was feeling extremely tired and unwell. The boys gave him a priesthood blessing and he was miraculously able to go on the ride and enjoy it. For the most part the horses were well behaved and came with very creative names. Spencer's horse was named "Sexy Rexy" and mine was named "Target". Target was a big draft horse and would plow through every bush that came along no matter how hard I tried to turn him with the reins. I learned that that was his way of scratching his belly. He also liked to cut it really close going by and under trees so I had to duck often to avoid being hit by the branches and tree limbs.😏 The ride brought back so many great memories that I had of doing trail rides with my dad when I was younger.

Bekah ended up taking rain checks on two invites to the homecoming dance and on our way to Island Park we got a phone call informing us that she had been nominated as first attendant for the royalty. Sometimes I wish that we could be in more than one place at once.

On our way home from Island Park we stopped in Rexburg for the baby blessing of our first grandbaby, Adilynn Christine Rose. She was blessed in the home of her Aunt and Uncle with her new baby boy cousin from Alyssa's side. We got some family pictures while we were there, but I am still trying to figure out whose phone they got taken on. Will post when I find them.

Overall it was such a fun trip, even though we wish we had more time to tour Yellowstone and all of the beautiful sites. We did, however, learn our limits with Larry's health. We are super grateful that we had this opportunity, but we were also very grateful to get home and likely will not be going on another trip for quite some time! 

Bekah's expression when the royalty was announced!

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