Monday, August 9, 2021

Biliary Tube Miracle

This morning we left Oxford at 5:30 in the morning because we had to be at IMC in Murray, UT for Larry's biliary change. When he was sent to IMC by ambulance a few months ago the original intent was to put a stent in his common bile duct to allow his body to drain (he had severe jaundice). Sadly, he was too inflamed and they were unable to get a stent in. They ended up having to drill a hole in his side and put a tube through his liver to allow his bodily fluids to drain. Yes, it was that painful. He described it as feeling like he had been shot in the side with an arrow.😓Not only was it painful and uncomfortable, but we believe that it was causing his liver to act up. Larry would have episodes where he would just start shaking and sweating. He gave us some good scares on a few occasions.

We had high hopes at this visit that they would be able to remove this tube out of his liver and internalize the drain with a stent. When we got there and had our initial consult with the doctor, it did not sound very promising that they would be able to do this. She said that she would try if we would like, but she was just afraid that it wasn't going to be possible. Larry ask her if she would please try and I told her that we had said a prayer for her to be able to make this happen. They told me that the procedure would take 1 - 1/2 hrs.

Forty-five minutes later they came back into the room and told me that the procedure had went beautifully and they were able to put the stent in and remove the tube out of the liver! We feel so grateful that everything went even better than predicted and that Larry's liver can be free from the irritation of that tube.

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