Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Surgery Postponed

Today did not go as planned. After consulting with the doctor we decided to put of having Larry's endoscopy and procedure to have the stint put in until next Wed. for a few reasons--it gives Larry's pancreas more time to heal and that is when the doctor has his best team available to do the procedure. As frustrating as this decision was, we felt like it was the best decision given all of our other options. The process is likely going to be a low slower than we would like. We both need optimism, hope, and probably a good night's sleep as it has been a long day.

To say that I was LIVID that they put off this surgery after he was already in his hospital gown, on an IV, and we had made all of the necessary preparations to get to the appointment, and have to drive 2 hours each way to get there, is an understatement! I was extremely frustrated that they couldn't have just had this conversation with us over the phone instead of having to re-do our stress all over again the following week (grrrrr!). In the end, I believe it was the best decision, just wish there could have been better communication.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Cards for Larry

 All of these sweet, beautiful cards for Larry from Mrs. Waite's 2nd grade class made a beautiful addition to the heart attack that we received from our children upon our return from the hospital last Wednesday. Nate was so excited to hand the envelope of cards to Larry when he got home today! While I was getting dinner on he disappeared to our bedroom with the tape and this is what I walked into. If only we could all have the heart and innocence of these sweet children I think most of the world's problems would be solved.

Tina Ward, Or

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Queen of Feeding Tubes

 I am going through so many mixed emotions right now. Larry has been admitted to the hospital and will be having a temporary feeding tube placed tomorrow. One of my friends told me that I am the "Queen of Feeding Tubes". Truly not a title I aspired to when I started this journey over 23 years ago. The foundational problems started back in 2013 when he started having pancreatic attacks. After enduring about six years of these attacks, we had about a year and a half break. About three months ago, Larry started having major digestive issues again and it has gotten to the point where he refuses to eat because it hurts too bad. He has lost 40 pounds in a short amount of time because of it (the picture on the left was about three months ago before all of this started and the one on the right is more recent where is coat is baggy and his face has really thinned out, the disturbing part to me is that I feel bones where muscle used to be). We went to a doctor a couple of months ago seeking answers, but found nothing. We went to the ER about a month ago and had more imaging and tests done and once again found nothing. After spending a lot of time in pain last night, and throwing up what little he did get down last night (the second time this week), I finally convinced him to let me take him to the ER. I prayed so hard that we would have good doctors and that we would find answers. The doctors were somewhat hesitant to repeat the same testing that the had done just a month ago, but chose to do it anyway. This time they found the images of his gut area to be a "train wreck" as they described it. Initially they were going to send him immediately to LDS hospital in SLC, but after further discussion, they decided to keep him in Logan (closer to home!) and have a feeding tube placed that will bypass his digestion for the next six weeks so that his digestive track can get some rest and have time to calm down. The hope is that they will get the tube placed and be able to send him home in a few days. He will then go to LDS hospital where they will do further studies to start sorting out issues that need addressed. I am not super thrilled about the findings, but I am super grateful that we are finding answers and that my prayers are being answered. I am also so incredibly grateful that Larry is FINALLY out of pain and resting peacefully beside me (with his noise cancelling headphones on of coarse, because there is no other way to get any sleep in the hospital) and he has fluid going into his body. Thank you everyone for reaching out to us and for your love and concern. We really appreciate it.

UPDATE: Larry was feeling better this morning, his color came back, and he was bouncing off the walls with energy as was evidenced by his doing laps around the halls while dragging an IV pole with him. I think it just felt good to be pain free and have adequate fluids in his body. Having the feeding tube placed around noon was very traumatic on his body and it is extremely uncomfortable and will take some serious adjustment. He does, however, seem be be tolerating the feeds ok which is great news. He is so ready to go home, but will likely be here through at least Wednesday. He told the nurse to just give him his bottle and let him go back to work🙄I am just so grateful that we even have these options available, even if they are not ideal, and for a husband that keeps fighting so that he can be here to take care of his family!❤️
LAST UPDATE: We are leaving the hospital soon! Larry looks and feels so much better than when we came in on Sunday. So grateful for the help we have received on so many levels. Not sure exactly what we are dealing with yet, but just feeling grateful that Larry has gotten the nutritional help he needs while we get this figured out.

Tina Ward, Bekah Ward and 152 others