Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Surgery Postponed

Today did not go as planned. After consulting with the doctor we decided to put of having Larry's endoscopy and procedure to have the stint put in until next Wed. for a few reasons--it gives Larry's pancreas more time to heal and that is when the doctor has his best team available to do the procedure. As frustrating as this decision was, we felt like it was the best decision given all of our other options. The process is likely going to be a low slower than we would like. We both need optimism, hope, and probably a good night's sleep as it has been a long day.

To say that I was LIVID that they put off this surgery after he was already in his hospital gown, on an IV, and we had made all of the necessary preparations to get to the appointment, and have to drive 2 hours each way to get there, is an understatement! I was extremely frustrated that they couldn't have just had this conversation with us over the phone instead of having to re-do our stress all over again the following week (grrrrr!). In the end, I believe it was the best decision, just wish there could have been better communication.

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