Monday, December 21, 2020

Helmuth Hübener

The youngest person to be executed by the Nazis was a Mormon kid named Helmuth Hübener.
He was killed 78 years ago today.
His crime? "Treason" — for listening to the BBC radio, writing down what he heard, and producing pamphlets that criticized Hitler and his tyrannical regime.
For his bravery, his local religious leader tried to excommunicate him — ostensibly to protect the rest of the congregation against the Gestapo's inquisition.
Do what is right, let the consequence follow. So goes the tune, anyway…
At his sentencing, Helmuth turned to the judges and said: "Now I must die, even though I have committed no crime. So now it's my turn, but your turn will come."
It's easy to look back and praise such bravery, but at the time, this was deemed unpatriotic; conformity was the patriotic position. Patriotism meant waving the flag and praising what was inculcated from the state.
But that's pseudo-patriotism — the counterfeit.
True patriotism at the time looked like dissent — like Helmuth's speaking the truth, as opposed to the Hitler Youth's comparative submission, along with that of most of the rest of German society.
Just as truth is treason in an empire of lies, so too is true patriotism — exposing corruption, renouncing war, and calling out the atrocities of the state — considered treason by those in power.
It wasn't just the case in Nazi Germany.
It remains the case today.
Thanks for your example, Helmuth.
I wish you lived even longer to share your sharp mind with the world.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Ben's Christmas Surprise!

Taken from my facebook post:

"I just wanted to send a shout out to the anonymous Christmas angel (a.k.a. Ben's #1 Fan) who came to our door tonight and left a gift card and a very sweet note for him letting him know how much they had been touched by his saying the sacrament prayer in church today. Ben hasn't been blessing the sacrament at church because he now has to wear a mask which is very difficult for him with his reduced lung capacity. I was shocked when he went up there today because the last time he did it he felt lightheaded and felt like he was going to pass out from wearing the mask. Even though he had to repeat the prayer three times to get it right, he did it and I am very proud of him! Ben's disease puts a lot of limitations on his life, but he rarely complains, he always has a smile, and he has incredible determination. Even though it is hard for him, he gets up at 6 and feeds the animals every morning, lugs around his 800 lb. backpack all day at school, and goes to the store every weekend with Larry to help him make feed. I love you Ben. You are an inspiration to all of us!!!"

Christmas Angel

I just wanted to send a shout out to the anonymous Christmas angel (a.k.a. Ben's #1 Fan) who came to our door tonight and left a gift card and a very sweet note for him letting him know how much they had been touched by his saying the sacrament prayer in church today. Ben hasn't been blessing the sacrament at church because he now has to wear a mask which is very difficult for him with his reduced lung capacity. I was shocked when he went up there today because the last time he did it he felt lightheaded and felt like he was going to pass out from wearing the mask. Even though he had to repeat the prayer three times to get it right, he did it and I am very proud of him! Ben's disease puts a lot of limitations on his life, but he rarely complains, he always has a smile, and he has incredible determination. Even though it is hard for him, he gets up at 6 and feeds the animals every morning, lugs around his 800 lb. backpack all day at school, and goes to the store every weekend with Larry to help him make feed. I love you Ben. You are an inspiration to all of us!!! 

Quote by Edmund Burke


Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Pamela Skyberg Digby

Today for our #LightTheWorld challenge we were invited to highlight somebody who represents Christlike love to us. There are so many people in my life that I could write about, but one of the first people that comes to my mind is Pamela Skyberg Digby. She is an incredible lady that I have had the privilege to get to know as part of my A-T family. Pam makes everyone feel so loved and important. Even though her own son with A-T, Jared, gained his angels wings a few years ago, she does a beautiful job continuing to highlight all of the A-T children when it is their birthday and making them feel special. She always works tirelessly and effortlessly in raising funds and awareness for the A-T organization, In addition to losing her son, she also lost her husband within the last few years and has battled breast cancer. Through it all she has shown great courage, faith in God, and continues to be an inspiration to all of us. Love you, Pam.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Stand Up and Be Counted


Gratitude for Knowledge

I just want to take a minute to express my gratitude for knowledge. I am not taking about the knowledge I received in high school or college. The knowledge I am most grateful for is that gained from time spent on my knees talking to my Father in Heaven. Knowledge gained as I searched His holy teachings or listened to His modern prophet.

I now know the meaning of life. I know why I am here on this earth and that this life has a grand purpose. l know that in spite of the many mistakes that I have made, there is a way for me to overcome them. Because I know that my Father in Heaven loves me. I know that He prepared a great plan for me to be able to return to His presence. He loved me so He sent His son to rescue me and oh how grateful I am for the knowledge that Jesus Christ has the power to save me from the many mistakes I have made.
I have purpose in my life because of this knowledge. It makes me want to be a better person. It makes me want to reach out and help others in gratitude for the help I have received. I am so grateful to God that He is a part of my daily life. I love Him!!!
--Larry Ward

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Monday, November 9, 2020

Happy Birthday Ben!!!

🎂🍨The handsome Benjamin “Ben” Ward has just turned 1️⃣7️⃣ and this is a Really Big Deal!🥳🎉
▶️ Ben is the 4th of 7 children. He has three older brothers and a twin sister named Bekah, and two younger siblings.
🤗 Ben is awesome. His smile and determination are inspiring!!!
📚 Not only is Ben a good student at school, but he gets up to feed animals before school every morning and he also helps to make feed at the family owned business, Ward Feed.
👨🏻‍💻 Ben is very good on computers and loves all of his electronic gadgets.
💳 Ben loves the freedom of having his own checking account and sometimes you never know what will show up from Amazon on the door step! 📦
🏈 Ben is a huge Westside Pirates fan and he assists the team during the games.
🎹 Ben has a good ear for music and can often be found plunking out a tune on the piano.
🏍 Ben is so excited because he just got an electric bike which will allow him to have more freedom and have some fun racing his brothers out on the trails!!!
🥰 Happy 17th Birthday Ben! Your family loves you so much!!!
🌎🌍🌏 Please join in as we send Ben some birthday love and our
Best Wishes
from all around the world! #LivingWithAT #HB2anATkid

Happy Birthday Bekah!!!


🎂🍧 The beautiful Rebekah “Bekah” Ward of Oxford, Idaho, USA has just turned 1️⃣7️⃣ years old and this really is a #PBD ~ Pretty Big Deal!🌷
▶️ Bekah is the 5th of 7 children. She has four older brothers, one sister, and one younger brother.
🤗 Bekah is spunky, fun, and beautiful!
🏈 Bekah is one of the biggest sports fans in the family and follows both the Westside Pirates and BYU!
⏰ Even though school is a challenge for her, Bekah is up at 5:30 every morning to make sure she gets everything done before she goes to school and she is an excellent student. 📚
👧🏻 After a long day at school she works at the after school program (the kids love her) and then she usually has drill team practice. 📣
🏕 Bekah loves the outdoors, especially camping.
🥰 Happy Birthday, gorgeous girl! Your family loves you!!!
🌎🌏🌍 Please join in as we send Bekah some birthday love and our
Best Wishes
from all around the world! #HB2anATkid #LivingWithAT
👉🏼 Bekah, her twin brother Ben, and their sister Rachel ALL THREE need a #Cure4AT

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Swimming With Janice

This is a picture of me with my sister Janice Litteral the last time she came to visit me. She is one of the most kind hearted, loving, hard working, loyal, and funniest people that I know. She works as a nurse and I have often thought how I wish she could be our nurse for the bazillian amount of times that we have needed one. Unfortunately, life's circumstances have kept us from seeing each other very often, but I want her to know that I love her and miss her so much.

Monday, August 24, 2020

First Day of School

Ben was sick for his first day of school last week😓 so I was not able to get first day of school pictures until this morning. Ben and Bekah are Juniors, Rachel is in 5th grade, and Nate 2nd. So grateful that we have been able to go back to school (mostly normal) and I am just praying it stays that way.🙏