Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Pamela Skyberg Digby

Today for our #LightTheWorld challenge we were invited to highlight somebody who represents Christlike love to us. There are so many people in my life that I could write about, but one of the first people that comes to my mind is Pamela Skyberg Digby. She is an incredible lady that I have had the privilege to get to know as part of my A-T family. Pam makes everyone feel so loved and important. Even though her own son with A-T, Jared, gained his angels wings a few years ago, she does a beautiful job continuing to highlight all of the A-T children when it is their birthday and making them feel special. She always works tirelessly and effortlessly in raising funds and awareness for the A-T organization, In addition to losing her son, she also lost her husband within the last few years and has battled breast cancer. Through it all she has shown great courage, faith in God, and continues to be an inspiration to all of us. Love you, Pam.

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