Monday, March 10, 2014

Larry's Gall Bladder Removal

Over Christmas break we spent another week in the hospital with my husband for his 6th pancreatic attack. I know that these attacks are happening because toxins from toxic mold exposure have colonized in his gut, but the whole medical profession looks at me like I am a complete moron. Their way is THE only way and because I need their help with pain management we are forced into doing things their way. The ER doctor that was on call took the whole 30 min. that she legally had to respond to my husband's plight for pain control while he lay there in horrific pain. Then she comes into the room and very rudely ask if he is going to listen to her this time (the last visit he had 5 mos. ago this same Dr. had him in tears because she basically called him an idiot for not having his gall bladder removed)? To say I was irate is an understatement. I calmly ask her if she could please get his pain under control and then we could take the conversation in the hall. What I wanted to do was punch her in the face, but I figured it would not be a great idea for my 7 children to have their mother in jail and their father in the hospital. They held him in the hospital for a week until they could remove his gall bladder. Yes, legally we could have left, but to willingly get help from them in the future would have been next to impossible. When they did take out his gall bladder there were no stones (which is what all of the many tests he had run showed), but they did find black sludge which from what I've read is the build up of the toxins in the gall bladder which was its way of protecting the other organs or maybe it was bile that was supposed to be there because after all the gall bladder is the storage sack for bile. So now I still have to take the time to do the 3 mo. mold killing cleanse (a very intense diet and supplements) and we have to make up for what the gall bladder is no longer able to do. Is all I wanted was one more chance so that I could do a cleanse (we got out of the toxic mold environment and seemed to be doing better so we started to get lax). Now the medical community is convinced that they have once again saved the day as he is eating again. We will do the cleansing work (which was the root of the problem in the first place) behind the scenes and they will be more set in their ways because they think what they did fixed the problem. While at the hospital I was shocked by how many people told me their stories of having their gall bladders removed and everyone acted like it was no big deal, including the surgeon who very matter of factly stated to me that "you don't need a gall bladder." As nicely as I could I just responded that the God I knew was very intelligent and would not create an organ that we didn't need. I recognize that there are some that have to have their gall bladders removed, but I fear that has become the latest "fad" in the medical community and studies in the future will show that this was a big mistake. For now I will just carry on using the humor from my sister who commented that at least I now only have 5 organs to worry about!

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