Friday, March 18, 2022

Larry's MRI Results

We visited with the oncologist yesterday to discuss the findings of the MRI that Larry had done a few days ago. Good news is:

  • He is now 140 lbs (12 lbs. up from his appointment on March 1st)!!!
  • There is no more detectable cancer in his liver!!!
  • They were worried about a possible spot on his lungs, but after comparing it with scans that he had previously had it doesn't appear to be a concern as it has stayed the same size
  • The tumor on his pancreas is still there, but has not grown!
  • And best of all NO MORE CHEMO for now!!! The doctor wants to start him on immunotherapy with the hopes that it will keep his cancer in check and keep knocking  back the pancreatic cancer. The doctor was surprised at how well Larry had "sailed" through chemo considering the types of chemo that he was being given.
The one other thing that we learned is that the stent that was in his bile duct is missing. He needs to go in to have it replaced asap or we will likely end up with a clogged duct and go down the jaundice road again.😞

Although we recognize that this will likely continue to be a lifelong battle (especially with the damage that has been done to his pancreas), we were so happy and relieved to get such a great report and learn that all of our hard work and dedication are paying off!!!

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