Friday, November 19, 2021

Westside Champions!!!

Congratulations to the Westside football team for becoming three-peat state football champions last night! First time ever in Idaho 2A history. During half-time Bekah had the opportunity to perform with the Pirettes. I am so proud of this sweet, determined girl. As she has ataxia this road has not been easy for her, but she is persistent and those around her keep lovingly lifting her up. This is the first year that they will be competing in dance competitions. Last week Bekah came home crying and very upset. She said, "Mom, we have to be perfect for competition and I can't be perfect!" After giving her a hug and having a discussion about it we decided that I would contact her coach and talk to her about Bekah continuing on with the dance team and still performing at local performances, but sitting out for the competitions so that she did not hold the team back for the competitions. Her coach agreed that she would talk with Bekah about it at practice that night. When Bekah got home I ask her how it had went. She said that her coach had said that she wants Bekah to dance at the competitions because she is part of the team and it actually helps the team in the competitions. I can't even tell you how deeply this response has touched my heart. True winners in my book and another great win for Westside!


My beautiful Pirette with a smile that lights the world!

Bekah and her friend, Katelyn (the girl that moved here from Utah and talked Bekah into joining the dance team with her a few years back) are captains for the dance team. They wanted to do something special for the girls for state and they came up with these cute picture frames. Thanks to some amazingly kind and generous people, we were able to pull these off last minute.

The Pirate flags are such a fun tradition for the team!!!

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