Friday, August 27, 2021

We Are Making Progress!

The last couple of nights have been rough in terms of Larry being able to sleep. We have finally learned that a combination of a pain IV and a sleeping pill works great. Fortunately, the pain is a good sign. The immunotherapy he is doing is putting his immune system on high alert and is causing inflammation in the body because it is laser focused on getting rid of the cancer cells.

Last night at our karaoke night was a huge hallmark for Larry's progress. When we first came here Larry had a very raspy and weak voice (I have since learned that that is a sign of cancer). As you can see in the attached video, we got up and sang "Mommas Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys" which we dedicated to our good Canadian friend who is going home today and has never heard country music🤠 

With very few exceptions, Larry has done all of his treatments everyday and it is making a huge difference in the short ten days we have been here. We have been for walks about half the days, his color is looking so much better, and overall (other than the nighttime pain) he is feeling better! The doctor came in and talked to us on Wednesday. He said that normally at this point he would run another panel of blood work, but from Larry's clinical presentation he was doing well enough that he was going to put it off. As I was typing this blog post the doctor came in to give me an update on his liver labs. Two of the liver panels that were highly elevated when we first came in have dramatically dropped. One went from 591-362 and the other from 386-183 and both are quickly moving toward the normal range. Everyday In Every Way We Get a Little Better!

Our karaokee group from last night. Unfortunately Larry had to leave early to get to his "pizza oven" treatment so we missed getting the picture with us

Dinner at Hope4Cancer. We have come to love all of these people. 

In the middle are our good friends Sondra and Vera from Canada. They are going home today and we will miss them so much😓 The mom, Vera, has been struggling with Ovarian cancer for quite some time. She is doing so much better from when we first met her. The two on the right are sisters, that we just met yesterday. They were born in Tijuana, but currently live in Los Angeles.

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