Thursday, June 10, 2021

Go Fund Me for Larry

We knew that things were becoming very dire in relation to Larry and his diseased pancreas. Luckily, we had been inspired to have already started the intake process with the University of Minnesota. We had to send them all of his medical records, go through their financial department, meet with four different specialists over zoom (one of the blessings of Covid), and be approved for the surgery by a team of doctors. In order for Larry to have surgery done at the University of Minnesota, we have to have $75,000 in the account they have set up for him before they are able to perform the surgery.

His recent hospital stay and imaging was very alarming as it showed how much of his pancreas and now  small intestine have already necrosed (died). These finding greatly expedited our efforts to get to Minnesota as soon as possible. He is currently penciled in for the surgery for September 3rd.

We wish we could do the surgery tomorrow, but we have to wait for his inflammation to significantly go down before he is able to have surgery. Our specific prayer at this time is that his inflammation will go down quickly and that he will be able to have to surgery as soon as possible in order to avoid complications of the treatments he is having to do (antibiotics, biliary drain, insulin, and TPN) in order to even make it to surgery.

Our son, Spencer, created and posted the Go Fund Me last Monday night. Miraculously, thanks to the many generous and loving people that we are surrounded by, we are almost to $60,000 (the go fund me page does not reflect everything that we have received through venmo and private donations)!!! The nurse at the University of Minnesota expressed concern that even if they could do the surgery earlier that we would not have the funds. I told her, "Louise we will have the money"! I could say that with confidence because the Lord has ALWAYS helped us pull through when it seemed like an impossible situation.

We are so grateful to EVERYONE who has supported our family in moving forward with what we have decided is the best option for Larry to be able to heal and live his best life possible! Our hearts are overflowing at the love and support that we have felt.

To donate you can venmo donations to @Larrysurgery or go to the following site.

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