Thursday, May 20, 2021

Enoch's Eye Accident

Monday afternoon I was just finishing up my shift at the feed store when Enoch came in from working in the yard as he had a piece of metal hit him in the eye. Initially I just thought it was something that he would blink out, but because he could still feel it in his eye, and it started bleeding, we decided we had better get it checked out. We originally took him to Portneuf hospital where they did an eye exam and a then CT scan of his eye. They told us the results from the CT would be back in about a half an hour. We knew something was really wrong when they returned to the room in under five minutes and told us that we needed to get in our car and drive as fast as we could to Idaho Falls (about another 45 minutes) to see a retina specialist. They were very concerned as the piece of metal had cut through his eye and lodged itself in the back of his eye. After a quick examination with Dr. Thompson at Premiere Eye Care we were immediately sent over to EIRMC hospital for an emergency surgery. The doctor said it was a miracle that Enoch was not blind and also a miracle that he still had 20/30 vision when he got to his office! One hour later Enoch was whisked away for a two hour surgery where they stitched up the original cut and put three holes in the back part of his eye to be able to remove the metal piece and then they stitched up that area. The doctor said that the surgery went as well as could be expected and he felt very inspired through the surgery process. Monday night and most of Tuesday we spent in the hospital until his follow up appointment that afternoon. Enoch is in a lot of pain and has a very hard time getting comfortable because he cannot lay on his back until the bubble goes away in his eye (about four days). The doctor said we are not out of the woods yet with our biggest risk factors being infection and loss of eyesight. We will know a lot more when he returns to his follow-up appointment in a week. One of Enoch's first questions was whether or not he could still go jogging. The doctors reply was an emphatic, "NO!" His options for the next month will be riding the stationary bike and resting. Enoch's missionary homecoming report is scheduled for this Sunday. When we ask the doctor if it would still be o.k. to move forward with that he said that he would be fine to do that. So for anyone who is wondering Enoch is still scheduled to speak on Sunday morning at 9. Of course the trip could not be complete without me getting pulled over for going 75 in a 65 on the way home. Luckily, the police officer took pity on us when he took a look at Enoch's eye, told me we had enough to worry about, and just gave me a warning. We are so incredibly grateful for God's watchful eye over our family once again and we feel so blessed to have had such amazing doctors that were able to help us so quickly and skillfully.

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