Saturday, March 13, 2021

Placement of Stent

Surgery is tomorrow. Larry is extremely uncomfortable and still pretty weak, but we are very grateful that he is able to get some nutrition and hydration while we figure this thing out. 

He is scheduled to meet with Dr. Sandhu, a gastroenterologist at LDS Hospital tomorrow at 12:30 to address his necrotizing pancreas and the cyst on his pancreas. It is our understanding that they are going to clean up the dead tissue around the pancreas and drain the cyst.

They will be doing a gastointestinal endoscopy (a procedure where they put a tube down your throat to be able to look inside the digestive area). When they do this there is a chance that they will have to replace his feeding tube, but he will be out for the procedure so it shouldn't be as uncomfortable as when he had it put in the first time. 

We just got a phone call from the nurse this evening saying that after reviewing Larry's chart he thought it would be possible to put a stent going from his pancreas to his stomach to hopefully avoid having continued pancreatitis. It sound like he will be having the stent placed tomorrow also.

We were told that the whole procedure should take about three hours. We are very excited about the possibility of the stent.

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