Thursday, October 20, 2011

Rachel's AFP Levels Come Back High

Today was an interesting day.  I was driving Dallin and Spencer to Pocatello for a roller skating activity with their home-school group when I had the thought to call the Pocatello Children's Clinic and get Rachel's ears checked.  She had been showing signs of an ear infection and it seemed like a perfect opportunity to have her checked out while the boys were at their activity.

I called the clinic and asked if there was any way that they could see her in the next hour or two. They told me that she would not be able to get in with her regular doctor as he was out of the office for the day. I told them that I would be willing to visit with any of the doctors, so I was able to get an appointment.

When I was called back for Rachel's check-up, I was surprised to pass Rachel's regular pedicatrician in the hallway. We both gave each other a surprised look, but I didn't think much about it until he came walking into the room 5 minutes later. He said that I was one of the most inspired ladies that he knew, because he had been wanting to talk to me in person, but had been unable to get in touch with me. He went on to say that he had just stepped into the office for a few minutes and when I had passed him in the hall he had just been looking at Rachel's file.

He informed me that all of the blood tests that they had run had come back normal, except for her AFP levels that were still reading higher than normal. This is not as conclusive of a test for A-T until after age two, but that test, coupled with all of the other A-T symptoms that Rachel had been displaying, and the fact that she has two siblings with A-T, was enough for the doctor to tell me that I really should be preparing for the worst.

I became very emotional and teary-eyed, because I had thought we were out of the woods since I had not heard back from him. But at the same time, I had a feeling of peace come into my heart that everything was going to be okay. I also realized that the Lord had been very merciful with me in this situation, considering that the doctor had not been able to get in contact with me to make an appointment, so I didn't have to stew about the matter for days in anticipation of a bad-news appointment.  I also realized the tender mercies of the Lord because when I left the doctor's office, I was going back to the company of some of my most supportive friends - the other moms in the home-school group, so I would have someone to share my burden with. Even though this was a hard news to receive, I was so grateful to see the Lord's hand in my life once again.

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