Thursday, November 25, 2010

Letter to Mom from Ann

 November 25, 2010

My Dearest Mother,

    A great void is in my heart today knowing that you will not be able
to join our family for Thanksgiving this year. I wanted to make it
special for you anyway so I decided that we could bring Thanksgiving
to you instead. I asked all of my siblings to join me in doing so and
they have all sent me letters of thanksgiving in your honor. Here is
my letter of gratitude.

    Thank you first of all for giving me life. I wouldn’t be here if it
weren’t for you. I wouldn’t know what it is to be a mother myself or
the joys motherhood brings.  You have been so supportive in helping me
with my own children and helping wherever you are able. Your kindness
will not be forgotten.

    Thinking back, I remember how important is was to you to have our
pictures done and how you liked curling my unruly hair. There isn’t a
time when I’m curling my own daughters’ hair that I don’t think of
those times. There are so many times that I wish I had taken a picture
of this or that moment  and I now know why you were so adamant about
taking the time do so. Thank you for teaching me through your example
to capture these moments before they are gone.

    Another memory that keeps coming to my mind is a Christmas at your
old trailer in Reno. I think I was about 7. You had made me a dress
that was very pretty and you had my hair all curled up. You have a
picture of me in your album of the day I’m thinking of.  I came and
sat on your lap and snuggled into you and I remember how safe I felt
in your arms how much you loved me. I even think I was sucking my
thumb, I was so comfy. Thank you for loving me so tenderly and giving
me your time.

    There are so many more memories and thank yous that I could write
about. Unfortunately, I lack the time to do so. But I have one more
that I will mention. I have watched you these last few years struggle
with your physical as well as your mental limitations and have wished
so many times that I could take it for you to offer some relief. There
are times I’m so frustrated that I didn’t have more time to build a
better relationship and get to know my uninhibited mother better.
However, there is a happy and unexpected outcome to all of these
struggles that I want to thank you for. Through loving you and serving
you, I have come to love you as your Savior does. Unconditionally,
without reservation. Mother, thank you for giving me the opportunity
to come to know this love. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind He
has a special place prepared for you and I look forward to the day
when we all will be together again in our perfect forms with eternity
to build the family ties we were meant to have. May the Lord comfort
you through these trying times and walk by your side until He calls
you home to His restful peace. I love you, Mother more than words can
justify. Happy Thanksgiving!

Forever your baby,

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