Thursday, August 5, 2004

Mom Moving To Provo/Contemplating Move to Malad

I just found out yesterday that Ann is moving my mom to Provo next month and that is very stressful to me. One thing that have have noticed lately is that I have been turning to food way too often to help with stress and depression.

Larry and I have been looking at investment properties to increase our income.  Three of them have fallen through for us now and we are starting to wonder if the Lords is trying to tell us something.  We both feel strongly that we need to do something different, but what?????

Yesterday, the thought of moving to Malad entertained our thoughts once again.  In some ways it makes so much sense--we could have free land to build on, we could sell both of our houses and build one and be completely out of debt, we could be there to help run the farm while Larry parent's went on their mission, and this is the year that the present high school auto shop teacher will be retiring and Larry would be perfect for the job.

I am just sick inside about the thought of leaving Spanish Fork and moving again.  I have really learned to love it here and we have made so many good friends.  Just the thought of starting over again makes me want to throw up.  I feel very torn.   I have also thoroughly enjoyed my friendship with Erika and her family and I would be very sad to leave that, but I also know that we have family in Malad that I would enjoy being around.

Larry reminded me last night that we need to make sure that our lamps are full as we make these very difficult decisions.  I feel very compelled to pray and read the words of the prophets as I know that these are decisions that we need inspiration to make.