Saturday, February 25, 2023

Six Month Anniversary of Larry's Passing

"The wonderful prospect and attitude of accepting everything and everyone as being perfect is that change is also perfect! What you are going through is perfect. It will cause you to move toward the growth you are to experience, gaining the understanding or learning the lessons that are necessary for you to learn in this life. With this frame of mind, your life becomes more fluid--more flowing without you feeling the need to always run things your way, thereby blocking God's way. There is a purpose for every challenge and every situation to which we find ourselves. The purpose if for learning and growth--and for getting to know who we are are...The more we avoid or resist what we may consider in our mind to be an undesirable person or an undesirable situation, the more we block the flow of energy that facilitates change...And how does this work? It all comes back to love. Love is accepting what is...When you do not see yourself and the situations in your life as being perfect, there is no energy for anything to change. You stop the flow of energy."--"Feelings Buried Alive Never Die" by Karol K. Truman

As I reflect back on all that has happened over the past six months I feel so much gratitude to my Heavenly Father for giving me the strength, energy, wisdom, and healing to continue moving forward with my life as a widow, even though it has not always been easy and has pushed me greatly out of my comfort zones. I am also so, so grateful for all of the opportunities and blessings that I have been given as I go through this grieving process and adjusting to life without Larry.

We survived Bekah's first semester at college. Not only was she adjusting to the changes at college with a disability, she was also very much grieving the loss of her father, her best friend. I am so proud of Bekah for pushing through and growing in ways that have tested, and continue to test her, to the very core. 

Since Larry's passing I have been able to more consistently go to Downata Hot Springs to swim and relax. I have also been able to carve time out of my busy schedule to attend the temple every week and go for a weekly massage. These things have been a foundational key in my healing process.

I have learned to get out of my comfort zones and start interacting with others who are in my same situation. I didn't realize how key this is in the healing process. When you are in mourning, your instinct is often to withdraw from society, but when we isolate ourselves we are actually perpetuating our sorrow. I attended my first LDS widow/widower conference about a month after Larry had passed. It was a very good conference and I learned a lot, but I felt very much like a fish out of water. For this conference I only attended classes as the activities were too much for me. A few months later I attended another conference in St. George where I got way out of my comfort zone and participated in the shotgun shooting. After practicing, I was able to hit the targets on about a quarter of my shots! I have also attended an activity at Crystal Hot Springs, a Valentines party, and a singles dinner in Logan. I am also getting ready to attend another widow/widower conference in Salt Lake.

Since Larry's passing I have almost survived (thanks to my children and extremely kind neighbors with very big and powerful tractors) the most relentless winter I can ever remember in my nineteen years of living in Idaho. It has been brutal!  I am having to watch the weather very carefully as the majority of the days have snow in the forecast. Just looking at next week we have snow everyday with the exception of Thursday and Saturday. I am very grateful for the much needed moisture that we are receiving, it has just been a lot to adjust to and there are several of us that are now at high risk for flooding.  There have been numerous times this year that I have gotten home from my day's activities and I can't get up my driveway because of the drifts (in past years it would maybe happen once a year). I have learned not to go anywhere without throwing my bogs, a warm coat, a hat, and gloves in the car because you never know when you might be stuck or hiking up a hill in the frigid weather. The pictures below show the crazy ice and how deep the snow is. If you look at our pasture area the horses could just walk over the fence. 😔I am also grateful for studded tires that we just had put on our snow plow truck. Just wish we had done it earlier in the year.

We have also mourned the loss of our milk cow that died from a nutritional disease because we were uneducated and not giving her the proper nutrition. This was devastating to me as it was one of my dad's cows and it was just the beginning of some of the steep learning curves I have had to go through with losing Larry and all of his wisdom. We continue to feed the two horses that were Larry's project. I am not sure what we will do with them yet, but thankfully we have been able to keep them alive. We have also acquired two of the cutest dogs that have very much become a part of our life. Rachel has a goldendoodle named "Sis" and Nate has a pompsky named "Buddy".

We have survived several 1st including Larry's birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentines day. We have also had three missionary farewell's since Larry's passing--Ashley, Hailey, and Ben. I can only imagine that Larry was at these events. I pray daily to feel his presence in our lives and I am grateful for the times that I have felt his presence.

The kids surprised me with a "heart attack" on my door for Valentine's💕
These are the flowers that the boys bought me for Valentine's Day from Larry.❤

Some of the family activities we have been involved in this month include attending the movie "A Man Called Otto" with Aunt Christine and Shelby. This was a very good movie, but a little rough on the heart strings especially for someone who has lost a spouse. We attended the Rexburg temple visitors center while in town for Nate's wrestling match. We celebrated Dallin & Enoch's birthdays. We celebrated West Side's 1st ever team wrestling trophy at state. They took 3rd place, beating Malad who took 4th place (I never thought I would see the day)! To add to the excitement, Colton Gunderson came home with a 1st place medal!!! This was someone that Enoch has helped coach through the years.  Larry loved working with the youth and would have been so proud of these boys. I have to believe that he was there in spirit. The Mumford family was so kind and included us in their yearly ice skating at twin lakes. It was so much fun and it just felt good to be outside!!!

One of the hardest part of losing your spouse is being a single parent. You have lost something, a parent is that is their flesh and blood and cares about them more than anyone else in this world, that can never be replaced. Rachel was miraculously able to get her feeding tube out in December. Larry would have either been with us for the procedure or at home taking care of things there, but this time I was all on my own. He had such a comforting and calming influence with me and my children and I miss it everyday.

The ACE store has come a long way since Larry's passing and is scheduled to be finished in May and open in June. The Ward Feed & Seed project has been both healing and hard on our family. All of our lives are on hold as we work to manage and figure out the future of these businesses. This month I had my first really bad bought with anger. I felt very angry that Larry brought me here to his home of Idaho and left me with his life. If I had a choice I would not be running two stores right now and living on the property that I do by myself. I just felt very angry at Larry for bringing me here and then abandoning me. I was so angry that I took down all of his pictures off of the wall in our bedroom. The anger lasted about a day and they were back on the wall by the next morning. 

I am grateful for the overall physical health that I have been blessed with through this process. Even though I tend to do quite well, I have noticed that my hair and my nails had stopped growing during the last year of Larry's life. I think my body was in so much shock from Larry's diagnosis and everything that we were going through. I also think my body was just feeling so sad and didn't have any extra energy to dedicate to nail or hair growth. I have since started taking some supplements to help with this and have started to notice my nails and hair growing again over the past couple of months. I also put on a lot of weight over the past nine years since Larry's very unpredictable illness of pancreatitis started. Since his passing, it has hit me really hard that my children really need me to be here and I have worked very hard to start getting my weight off. Through diet, exercise, and fasting I have been able to lose 25 pounds so far! I still have 75 pounds to go, but I am very grateful and excited for the progress I have made. I also slept through the night for the first time right at my six month mark.

Since Larry's passing I have been called to teach the five year olds in primary and called to take birthday gifts to each of the Relief Society sisters for the year. I have also been asked by our Stake Relief Society President to give a 30 minute talk at our stake widows dinner that is coming up in September. As I am one of the younger widowers and more recent widows in the stake, I pray that I may receive inspiration as to those things that I can share to inspire and uplift much more seasoned and experienced widows than myself. I am grateful that I have lots of time to prepare for this.

I can't believe it has already been six months since Larry's passing. It has felt like forever since I have physically seen Larry and yet it feels like yesterday.  I am really starting to come to a better understanding of what I can and can't do and of different things that I need to do to make my new life work for me. It has been really good for me to take the time to blog about my experiences monthly as I go through this grieving process. I am reminded of the good times, the hard times, and it helps me process the range of emotions that I am going through. Reviewing the pictures and videos for the month has helped me remember all of the good in my life and how blessed I truly am.