Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Post on Chronic Pancreatitis & TP/IAT Support Group

My husband started having acute pancreatitis in 2013. He has several attacks between 2013 up until about 2019 at which time he got about a year and a half reprieve from them. Last Oct. he started having major stomach pains, that we thought were indigestion issues, but come to find out a couple of months ago his pancreas looks like it has been ripped out and beat with a baseball bat. After losing 40 lbs and finally figuring out what the problem was, he has been on an NJ tube for about 6 weeks and strong antibiotics for the past three weeks to prevent sepsis. He also had surgery about 3 weeks ago to put a stent in his pancreas and try to recreate his duct. He has been able to tolerate puddings, jellos, and soups most of the time but he made the mistake of eating a protein bar last Sunday which sent him into a horrible attack. He had a CT scan this morning and will meet with the GI Dr and infectious disease Dr. later this week to see if his pancreas has made any progress. Where does this all end? Has anyone had any healing when they have gotten to this state? When do you finally consider it chronic pancreatitis? His grandmother died of pancreatic cancer at age 49 and she was 65 lbs😓
My husband is 53. I'm sure that he would have followed a similar path had it not been for intervention from modern medicine.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Joy & Spiritual Survival

What an excellent message on rising above the trials of this life and finding JOY in our lives!!!