Sunday, September 16, 2012

Protandim Science & Testimonials

I have had a request to create a page that gives an overview of what Protandim has done for our family.

Before I share this information, I feel it is very important to understand the science behind this incredible product, Protandim. To educate yourself about the science behind these products please visit these sites:

1. ABC primetime report that aired in 2005 (see below).

2.  This is the US National Library of Medicine. This is a site where doctors will go to research information. Type in the following in the search bar:
                   a. oxidative stress/any disease 
                   b. Protandim (review the 11 peer reviewed studies that have been published)

Changes We Have Seen In Our 8-Year Old Twins, Who Have Ataxia-Telangiectasia, Since  Using Protandim/True Science:
  • Cognitive Improvement
  • Balance Improvement
  • Muscle Control Improvement
  • Swallowing Improvement
  • Immune Improvement
  • Increased Energy
Changes We Saw In My 57 Year Old Mother, Who Has Been Diagnosed With Stage IV Huntington's Disease, After Starting Her on Protandim:
  • Increased Awareness
  • Increased Muscle Control
  • Swallowing Improvement
  • Increased Energy
Changes That the Rest of Our Family Has Experienced Since Starting On Protandim/True Science:
  • Decreased Headaches
  • Blood Sugar Stabalization
  • Increased Stamina
  • Acne Elimination                                                                                                                        
  • Regularity
Other Testimonials:

My friend with a 4 year old A-T girl:

"Hi Jill, just wanted to thank you so much for giving me the courage to try protandim. I am so amazed with my daughter at the moment. Her speech is impeccable, her energy and focus is unprecedented, and to my excitement, yesterday she was holding a pencil perfectly and drawing up a storm!! She is like a new child, I'm in constant shock and joy. I haven't discussed it with any of my family, just to see if they notice any difference (and for fear of jinxing it!) and they've seen a huge difference too! The only fear I have is losing all of this, now that I've seen what she can be. I know the future is uncertain for all of us, but I'm just do grateful for today."

My friend with psoriatic arthritis:
"Just thought I'd let you know that I do really think the Protandim is starting to make a difference. I've been taking it for almost 2 weeks now. I've been running kids hither and even with my husband gone on business I seem to have a ton more energy than I did before. The pain is still there, especially with the cold weather settling in, but I have enough energy to just take the meds and then go go go... Before I would take my meds and then sit, sit, sit."

My friend with chronic pain:
"With in about 10 days the pain that I had suffered had started to improve not just a little but a lot. I have had both ankles rebuilt and suffer a great deal of arthritis in one with several bone spurs and large amounts of swelling. I wear a brace on one ankle and have to deal with it every single day as a problem. I work on concrete and at times work about 6-7 hours straight on it. I average 8-10 days still and work 6-7 days a week depending on what is going on. So on my feet lots and carry bags of feed out too.  After 30 days I am off allllllll pain meds." 

"I have noticed A LOT more focus for the four days I have taken Protandim. I seem to have a lot more energy too."